Local police and prosecutors are cracking down on prostitution in Alameda and Contra Costa County. This means that there are often sting operations set up throughout the city, which can lure people in and result in criminal charges. If you have been the victim of a prostitution sting in the Bay area, you need an aggressive and experienced criminal law attorney in your corner.
Lamano Law Office is an Oakland prostitution defense law firm, we understand how to defend against these types of criminal charges. We will work hard to protect your rights and your future if you have been arrested as part of a prostitution sting.
A lot of stings stem from Backpage massage ads where a person sends an individual a text message for services but they are actually texting an undercover cop unknowingly. When the arrest is made it’s at the hotel or motel the person in the ad asks to meet at. They take the phone of the respondent on arrival as evidence and arrest numerous people in one sting. If this has happened to you, you’re not alone.
For many people, a criminal charge related to prostitution is often their first offense. If this is the case for your charge, Lamano Law Office can help minimize the potential consequences faced by enrolling potential clients in a first-time offender program. As a California criminal defense law firm, we have often used this tactic in the past to benefit our clients. If this is not an option for your case, we are also experienced in the courtroom and are more than prepared to defend your rights at trial.
Prostitution Criminal Defense Lawyer for Oakland, California and the Bay Area
Lamano Law Office has extensive experience in representing clients in Oakland who face multiple charges of prostitution or charges of soliciting a prostitute. You can rely on the legal skills of the firm to help build a solid defense against any charges related to a prostitution sting operation.
Our Oakland lawyers provide a strong defense against all prostitution charges without passing judgment. Call the Lamano Law Office, or contact the firm online to arrange an initial consultation.
With offices near Santa Rita Jail and right across the street from Glenn Dyer Jail, Lamano Law Office is a criminal defense firm serving clients in Oakland, Alameda, and Contra Costa County. We are available to assist you with all your legal needs. Contact us today for help with any prostitution-related charge.